10 years we take care of the main thing. Presentation film

We take care of the main thing. Presentation film

Рresentation film 2018

Rivaksan has become more affordable

Rivaksan-Innovation of the Year at the 2021 Eurasian Summit

Attention! The flu is coming!

Question-answer Covid and RIVAKSAN
On the occasion of the Day of Belarusian Science, which is traditionally held on the last Sunday of January, organizations of the National Academy of Sciences will demonstrate the most significant results of scientific, technical and innovative activities at the exhibition “Day of Belarusian Science – 2020”. State Enterprise “ACADEMPHARM” took an active part in this event, exhibition samples were presented in the block “Modern medical, pharmaceutical developments and biotechnologies”.
The exposition was presented by thematic blocks: “Youth and new horizons of science”, “Physics and informatics in the technologies of the future”, “Technical sciences – industry 4.0”, “Modern medical, pharmaceutical and biotechnologies”, “Modern chemistry and environmental management”, “Innovative agro-industrial complex ”, revealing new technologies and developments of Belarusian scientists.
Thus, the Institute of Chemistry of New Materials of the National Academy of Sciences will demonstrate 2D and 3D materials based on polysaccharides that can be used as carriers of stem cells, as well as composite materials for extrusion 3D printing.
Submersible two-detector gamma spectrometer, designed for registration and analysis of gamma radiation spectra in the geometry of full immersion in water, which makes it possible to assess the activity of isotopes in an aqueous medium, diode-pumped solid-state erbium lasers emitting in a conventionally eye-safe spectral range will be shown by scientists from the Institute of Physics named after B.I.Stepanov.
A sample of a commercial electric vehicle (basic machine kit – Joylong EF5), as well as a mobile trailed damper device and a wide range of developments for electric transport – developed by specialists from the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering.
The implementation of state programs in the fields of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities to strengthen the connection between science and production is a priority area of work of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the State Committee for Science and Technology.
Based on materials from RLST https://rlst.org.by/2020/01/24/vystavka-den-belorusskoj-nauki-2020/